Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Little Garden plant experiment

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking to all of you about the Little Garden experiment that all three classes did. My plant was kale (I was ok with my plant but I would have preferred something like....;Cress or lettuce) it took two weeks to properly grow. Some facts I learned about plants is that even pine trees are plants. This actually really surprised me, another fact is some plants make traps for animals such as the Venus flytrap. Anyway hope you enjoyed my blog.............................GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Term 4 goals

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking to you about my term 4 goals. Some things I need to do to improve to achieve them is take more in in the Japanese lessons. I basically just do what I am told to do with the Japanese, I still think I could learn more. This year I would like to go up to the water tower more often than 4 times a week, which is what I usually do. Anyway that is all I have this week so Goodbye and have a nice rest of this year. 

Monday, November 14, 2016


Hello everybody
Today I will be telling you about speeches,
I am sort of prepared for the speech, I do not know it off by heart but I do use cue cards. I think that I have to work on more eye contact. I think maybe slowing down a lot more when I am talking, sometimes I get very nervous and other things. Anyway that is everything I have for this week.........................Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Books! BooKs! and BOOKS!!!!!

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Today I will be telling you guys about all the experiences that I experienced in Book WEEK!!!!!!!! I found it really cool Fifi Coulston coming in to talk to us. I thought It was really nice that she wrote a story about a tortoise that had been run over by a french artillery gun. The parade was fun and also not so fun. It was funny seeing everybody costumes and not fun because it was really cold. I found the book quiz to be really boring, usually it doesn't take over an hour but it did and we didn't get to play dodgeball. Anyway hope you guys and girls enjoyed the post soooooo......Bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Awesome books

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image result for class a cherubI will be telling you guys about some awesome books I have read. My favourite book when I was younger was Munching Mike, he was one of the letterland characters and I absolutely loved getting the book out of the library. Robert Muchamore is my favourite author at the moment, his books are really cool. My favourite book has to be Cherub; Class A. It is so good, I have read nearly every other Cherub book and this my favourite by far. Hope you enjoyed the post, GOODBYE!!!!