Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Next year :)

Image result for wellington college new zealandhello and welcome back to my blog, todays topic will be about how I am feeling for next year. I am a year 8 so I will be going to college next year. I am going to wc or formally known as Wellington College. Some things that I am looking forward to are meeting heaps of new people. I am the only one from my school that is going to wc so that could also be one of the challenges. All around I am really looking forward to going to college, I hope you enjoyed the post, talk to you later, Byeeeeeeeeeeee

Monday, November 6, 2017

Athletics day..

Image result for Newtown parkHello everyone and welcome back to my blog,
this week's post will be based around Athletics day, which took part on Monday the 6/11/17 Which is also my Dads birthday, (Fun Fact)

So The day started off not the best for me. I was meant to go to shot put but in order to go to shot put you had to go to discus but I wasn't in discus which meant I didn't get to compete in shot put. Next event I had to go to was Vortex, I didn't throw very well and everyone else seemed to throw good, I didn't come last but I was hoping to go threw for this event. But I guess luck just wasn't on my side today. High Jump i didn't do well in either meaning I was stuck at school while others were doing athletics.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tech Time

Hey everyone and welcome back to this blog post,
Image result for scary puppetToday I will be talking about the new subject I am doing which is Design. I am making a puppet for design, I am trying two make to face from batman. But it is actually clay face trying to morph into two face soo ye. I haven't found anything difficult yet because we haven't done many things yet. I am enjoying getting different ideas off the people that sit around me. All round I think that I will enjoy Design.

Hope you enjoyed the post,

Guten Tag

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Passion Project

Hello and welcome back my blog,
 today you all will be learning about a certain class activity called ‘passion project’ and what I have chosen to do for it. So you probably want to know what I’m doing, I am doing a budget comedy tv show with Alex, Liam and Adam. We are mainly hoping to make it 7-10 minutes long giving you a long time to know something of what we are talking about. Hopefully it may give you something to laugh given that is the whole point. We are going to try and record and learn how to make sound effects enhance the way the show is making it better for the audience. I hope you are waiting because when the show comes around, hopefully it will be remembered for all the wrong reasons..

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Holidays

Image result for motocross track on side of hill
Hello and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about something fun that I did in the holidays. My friend wanted to have his birthday in the Wairarapa. We went to a farm and we hired a Motocross track. The one that we went to was off the side of a hill, so it looked really cool at the top of the track. We also did drag races 'sort of 'going up an airstrip. It was pretty scary considering if you didn't do the hill start properly you would fall of a 40m bank. All round I had a really enjoyable holidays and hopefully everyone else did.

Talk to you later, Goodbyeee!

Monday, September 18, 2017


Hello and welcome back to my blog,
Image result for long jump giftoday I will be talking to you guys about what we have been doing at Nairnville recently. We have been doing long jump for the past few weeks. We have also been high jump and discus, I like the throwing ones especially vortex. We haven't done vortex yet so I am looking forward to doing it. I most enjoyed doing high jump because it was fun making your own jumping style.

Hope you guys enjoyed the post, Goodbye!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Parliament trip

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog,
Image result for the beehive today I will be talking about the trip that occurred last week. The intermediate classes went to parliament, we visited the debating chamber and also other places around parliament. We where also very lucky to see some of the offices thanks to Rosie's Mum. I found walking around parliament really enjoyable seeing where the Queen sat and where the building got set on fire by an electrical fault.

Three Things I Have Learned:

Meaning of MMP (Mixed Member Proportional)

That in the debating chamber, the speaker has the most power, even over the Prime Minister.

That Parliament is the most earthquake resistant building
in New Zealand.

Hope you guys enjoyed the Post, Bye!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Book groups.. Continued

Image result for book hatchetHello and welcome back to my blog,
Today i'm going to be talking about book groups. We have recently finished our book groups and they were very fun. The group I was in did very well to guess and gather what we knew to know what would happen next. I really enjoyed the group I was in, because we all let each other contribute ideas. All together I would recommend doing book groups because they are fun and help you to think about the book you are reading.
Hope you enjoyed the post, Bye.

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Related imageHey guys and welcome back to my blog, today is going to be a bit different, I have to write about an article that has been modeled around the recent elections. I read an article that was about how Jacinda Ardern impersonated Helen Clark and talking about how she plans on having Children. Jacinda sat down with Anika Moa, Anika explained later that she could never stop laughing. I cannot show you the clip, but I can give you the link to watch the video.

Things I want to learn:
I want to know how do they count up all the votes from the community,
How the MP's communicate,
How many people are there in National compared to Labour.

Hope you enjoyed the post and talk later talk, Bye.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Art is fun

Hey guys ans welcome back to my blog,
today i'm gonna talk about how art is going. We have been getting ready for art week, which is coming up really soon. We have so far done some cross stitch, Mary and baby Jesus pastel coloring and coloring in Saints for a 'stained glass' window. I have finished all of the 3 things we have started, but there is Origami which I am just making a cloud oragami. hopeyouenjoyed the post byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A recent movie

Image result for the marauders movieHey guys and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about a recent movie I have seen, The Marauders.
It is based on recent bank robberies, they all get connected to this one bank owner. The robbers put finger prints of an apparent dead marine, The FBI director finds out secrets that weren't meant to come alive again. All around this a really enjoyable movie that always has you thinking about what will happen next. I hope you enjoyed my blog and I will talk to you later, Bye...

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Books Group

Image result for hatchet gary paulsenHello and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking about book groups.

Book groups is where you get put into a group with other kids. I got put into a group with Joel, Tyler, Hugo and Jamie. We are reading the book hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. I think we are working well because we have unlocked 'crackers' The book so far is really enjoyable, the main character Brian was on a plane when the pilot has a heart attack. He crashes into the Canadian wilderness and has to find food and shelter to survive will he make it we will never know until the end, Hope you guys enjoyed my blog and I will talk to you later, Byee

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Hello and welcome to my blog,
today I will be talking about a memory I have had with my grandparents.
One of my best memory's with them was when I was staying at my Lulu's (Grandma) in Whanganui. My cousin James wanted to go to the pool and so did I, she said if you want to go to the pool you will have to get ten smacks on the bum. We reluctantly agreed but it was all worth it going on the hydro slide. I hope you enjoyed my post and I will talk to you later, Bye

Monday, June 26, 2017


Hello and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about the goals that I chose at the end of term 1.
I did do well with the reading goal reading different books from a wider range of series. With one of my other goals I didn't do so well. It was not calling out. I am always eager to say the answer sooo yea. All round I have been doing well with my goals, hope you guys enjoyed my post.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Al Capone

Hello and welcome back,
Image result for al capone quote
Quote from Al Capone
Today I am going to be talking about the book we recently read in Rm 11,
Al Capone does my shirts. I really enjoyed this book, at least more than the last book we read.
My two favourite characters were Scout and Natalie.
Scout because he likes sports and Natalie because she didn't listen usually to what people were saying. Al round I really enjoyed this book and I recommend reading.

Hope you guys enjoyed my blog, GOODBYE

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

My Obsession (sorta)

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog
Image result for footballToday i'm going to be talking about one of my favourite things to do, Football.
Football is not my favourite sport but is still very enjoyable.

It is a sport that you play on a field, there is ball and two teams. You are trying to score in the opponents goals at their end of the field.

I have played football since i was 3 so yeaaaaaa.

Its just great.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Science learning

Image result for galapagos iguana salt gifHey guys and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about some sciency stuff we have been learning these past few weeks.
I have learned a lot of things about the Galapagos Islands that i didn't know about before. First thing being the Iguanas sneeze salt from their noses. Another is that they are still finding new species throughout the islands.
Something that I would like to learn about weeks is how many species have been found and how many species are still unknown.

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog and I will talk to you next week, bye.

Monday, May 29, 2017

My roles for the school

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog,
Today I will be talking about a role that I have taken on for the school.
I am a Milk monitor, I deliver the milk every second week to the classrooms.
I enjoy the fact that people are like really happy (For the little kids)
I have learned that I don't really even like to drink milk.
For the people who do it with me, we usually argue about who goes to which classroom because we all like the same classrooms.
hope you guys enjoyed my blog and i will talk to you next week

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Cross Country

Hey guys its me blog here,
Hope you guys enjoyed your time not reading my blog. Because Now all you will hear is me cheering that there is no more cross country (Until next year.)

Do you feel like your fitness has improved:

Yes, I definitely wasn't as tired as last year hen I finished the race.

Do you feel like you showed perseverance;

Yes because when we I went round the bottom field I was in 11th and I ended up coming 6th 

What can you do to keep your fitness cardio rising:

I try and go up Mt Kaukau two times a week so I think I am doing average

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog and I will talk to you next week, BYE

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Books (No thank you Ben!)

Image result for cherub mad dogsHi and welcome to my blog,
Today i am talking about books
I read this book called Cherub-Mad dogs by Robert Muchamore. 
I don't entirely know what Genre it is but all I can tell you is that it is really cool.main Character James is trying to infiltrate a gang war between the slasher boys and the mad dogs, But in the making he sees one of his friends he met on a previous mission. He is with a friend but in this case his cousin (Purposes of the mission) things go well until an unexpected turn happens throwing everything off. 

I rate this book 4/5 I really enjoyed this book and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys a realistic experience but still very enjoyable.
Hope you guys enjoyed my blog and see you next time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

My Goals!!!!!

Hey guys and welcome back to my bloge,
Today I am going to be talking about how I have been doing with my goals to get better at life.

One of my goals was to read a wider range of books:
I have been doing quite good at this in reading Dan Carters Autobiography and  the Maze runner series. My favourite was probably Dan Carter though, that was really cool learing about how he grew up in Canterbury.

Pay attention to Maths lessons:
I have been doing better at this than at the start of the year but sometimes my brain still wanders off. Usually when we are doing marking because sometimes it can take a while but am getting better at sitting still.

Hope you guys enjoyed the posting and I will talk to you next post. Byes and Hi

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Hey guys, the holidays have finished and we are all back to school, meanin lets talk about the holiday
My holidays were very enjoyable and also very relaxing. It was great going up to the Bach and kayaking and driving around on my motorbike with Liam. 

(Not anyone from this school) My favourite thing by far was kayaking. It was so fun except for a few flaws in what we were trying to achieve. One time we were both trying to surf the same wave (It sounds weird but yes on a kayak) and then Liam went across and landed on my shins bruising them and me hitting him in the head with my ore. Another fail was nose diving. Sometimes if the waves were very big they would flick the back up sending the nose of your kayak down under the water flinging you out of the kayak. I was lucky but Liam wasn't his kayak hit him on the head when he stood up leaving him with an egged head.

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog post and I will hear from you next week.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Hey guys and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about how i coped with the amount writing last week (Camp recounts)
and also how I did on the sparkle quiz.


 I finished Wednesday the first week which was not the minimum which meant that I did not have as much work the second week. This really helped me because I wasn't struggling to finish my tasks on Friday. My favourite day of writing was Thursday. It was the best because it was the day that I was not panicked about doing and I spent the most time on it.


Doing sparkle I don't know why but I find it really fun. Last year we did something sorta similar within the flags of South America. Last Year, J.L, Liam and I found out that there were endless possibilities to the quizzes you could do. So I brought this knowledge onto Jigs and after dodgeball had finished we played heaps of random different quizzes. The best time that I did the oceania quizzicality was in 29 seconds, Jigs was the only person that I know of that had a better time than me.

I hope you guys enjoyed the post and I will talk to you later, buy.

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about how camp went for me and my group.

Personally for me I found waiting for others the most challenging. At the end I thought that I had accomplished something for me. I am not the most patient person at all but I never complained and just kept going. Another thing was telling people how to do things. In one activity I was trying to tell some people things but they did not listen but we completed it in the end...YAY!

I found the kayaking and the cargo net really easy. In the kayaking I was really fortunate to have people who all wanted to be leaders (Including me) We pretty much all listened to each others good ideas and ignored the others and we all had the 'other' ideas.

Camp was kind of what I expected but also not. I thought the kids would have a big input to what you were going to do but we didn't really (Which was not a bad thing) I was really disappointed at missing out on the flying fox but we did get to do a fun river crossing activity with crates which I enjoyed. My proudest moment was definately listening to myself and still taking the Go-Pro on the bridge despite having to beg for it to happen.

My favourites were Kayaking back and the car rides.
The reason I liked the kayak back was because we actually had an idea were about we were meant to be going and also when we got closer to the ramp we sped away from the other group.
The car rides were so fun, we had the weirdest conversations and we did not get told off
(THX Richard) But my favourite part was my glasses. I could see everything in different colours especially clouds, they were purple!

I hope you guys enjoyed my thoughts on Camp and I will talk to you later.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Light and Colour learning.

Hello everybody and welcome back to my Blog
For the past 5 weeks we have been learning the topic on light and color. So far we have looked at the ways light can be affected by moving it around in certain directions with a concave and convex lens. We have also done a few reading activities on light, the history of what it is and how the light bulb was invented. I found this topic really enjoyable because of all the fun experiments that we did. I do have one question and that is if you point a torch at a turned off computer screen will it turn bright. Hope you guys enjoyed my blog and I will see you next week. GOODBYE


Monday, February 27, 2017

I cant swim :(

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog,
today the topic will be if i can swim or not and all I can tell you guys so far is I CAN.
So far I have learned only one thing is that if someone is drowning is that you don't jump in and help them, you call for help and get them a floatie or something that can float. So far there is nothing that I think that I could improve on, I think that I have been doing pretty well and I am looking forward to snorkeling later this week. If I ever do do swimming in my own time it is because I fell off my kayak and it went 100m back to shore which is very hard to swim with a paddle and 10ft waves trying to push you under the water. I hope you guys have enjoyed my opinion in what I think about swimming.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2017 Things I have enjoyed

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog,

Today I am going to talk about how the start of the year has gone for me. So far I have finished my tasks every week which is means that I can go out for reward time, and this week I should be able to as well. 

Camp this year is going to be awesome, it will be so cool being the people heading off instead of the people sending off :) 

Last week was the hardest because of the amount of maths we had to complete, it wasn't exactly hard just that there was a lot of it. I am looking forward to putting my ideas towards the task sheet because I think I could make some of the subjects more fun and enjoyable. I am really enjoying and remembering some tasks that are similar to last year. Cant wait until dodge ball on Friday, hopefully it does not rain.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.