Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Little Garden plant experiment

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking to all of you about the Little Garden experiment that all three classes did. My plant was kale (I was ok with my plant but I would have preferred something like....;Cress or lettuce) it took two weeks to properly grow. Some facts I learned about plants is that even pine trees are plants. This actually really surprised me, another fact is some plants make traps for animals such as the Venus flytrap. Anyway hope you enjoyed my blog.............................GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Term 4 goals

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, today I will be talking to you about my term 4 goals. Some things I need to do to improve to achieve them is take more in in the Japanese lessons. I basically just do what I am told to do with the Japanese, I still think I could learn more. This year I would like to go up to the water tower more often than 4 times a week, which is what I usually do. Anyway that is all I have this week so Goodbye and have a nice rest of this year. 

Monday, November 14, 2016


Hello everybody
Today I will be telling you about speeches,
I am sort of prepared for the speech, I do not know it off by heart but I do use cue cards. I think that I have to work on more eye contact. I think maybe slowing down a lot more when I am talking, sometimes I get very nervous and other things. Anyway that is everything I have for this week.........................Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Books! BooKs! and BOOKS!!!!!

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog, Today I will be telling you guys about all the experiences that I experienced in Book WEEK!!!!!!!! I found it really cool Fifi Coulston coming in to talk to us. I thought It was really nice that she wrote a story about a tortoise that had been run over by a french artillery gun. The parade was fun and also not so fun. It was funny seeing everybody costumes and not fun because it was really cold. I found the book quiz to be really boring, usually it doesn't take over an hour but it did and we didn't get to play dodgeball. Anyway hope you guys and girls enjoyed the post soooooo......Bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Awesome books

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image result for class a cherubI will be telling you guys about some awesome books I have read. My favourite book when I was younger was Munching Mike, he was one of the letterland characters and I absolutely loved getting the book out of the library. Robert Muchamore is my favourite author at the moment, his books are really cool. My favourite book has to be Cherub; Class A. It is so good, I have read nearly every other Cherub book and this my favourite by far. Hope you enjoyed the post, GOODBYE!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Every day closer to a new way to orbit

 Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog,
 I will be talking about how soon there could be a new way to orbit.Two years after selecting the next gen of American spaceships and rockets that will launch astronauts to the ISS or commonly know as the International Space Station. Some engineers and spaceflight specialists across NASA's commercial crew. Some ships that are being used are the Boeing CST-100 and the SpaceX crew dragon. Hope you enjoyed the post Goodbye.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Olympic event.... Nigeria vs Japan Football

Hello to everyone and welcome to my blog, today I will be talking about an event I have seen in the Olympics so far so I chose a very close football game from the start to the finish. It was very exciting how there were a few goals in the first 20 minutes, sometimes there are not any goals in a whole match and there were nine goals in this one, that is actually mental. Towards the end, Japan started to get a bit weaker and Nigeria went up by two goals. In the last 30 seconds it was 5-3 to Nigeria but Japan got one with seconds to spare which I personally think is really awesome, they may have lost but I thought they should have won. Anyway I will see you guys next time.......Goodbye!!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time management skills!

Hallo everybody, today I will be talking about my time management skills.
At school I do most of my work because I have three football training on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Some things that help me concentrate is when other people have already finished it so it makes me want to finish it. Some things that make it hard is production rehearsals, I am in quite a few scenes witch gives me not as much time as most of the other people. I am happy with the way I finish my tasks because so far this term I have finished them every week. Anyway I will see you guys next post. GOODBYE!!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Production dance rehearsals

Image result for FOOTSTEPS DANCEHello everybody and welcome back to my blog,
today I will be talking about our production dance rehearsals.The year 7 dance is a little bit more slower than the year 8 which is good for me who is pretty bad at dancing. I do like the year 8 one like it is a very cool dance but it is very hard to get if you cannot really see our teacher......KIMMY!!!!!!! because she is quite small. The song for the year 7 dance sounds really cool, it is Robbin hood by lack of afros. The year 8 dance many people would probably know, no money by Galantis. My favourite dance is probably the year 7 dance because it isn't as hard to learn. Any way I will see you guys next post so GOODBYE!!!!


Monday, August 22, 2016

Robotic mermaids to help with sea exploration.

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog. Today I will be talking about something that could change the things we know about the deep blue sea, stanford universities new creation a robotic mermaid/diver. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), have been used to do underwater duties, said to be unsafe for humans, for many years and years to come. But while they have been very helpful for doing missions such as oil rig repairs, the vehicles lack the precision and quality to do jobs such as working on a coral reef. Now these wonderful creations are here to help with all of needs to know about the deep sea. I hope you enjoyed my blog post, make sure to read next the ones to come so.........................GOODBYE!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The RIDDLE!!!!

Hello everybody, today I will be telling you a riddle.

The crowds roar when they see me,

I have 4 giant feet,

I squash everything in my path,

I show off a lot,

What am I?
guess in the comments..... Bye!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Books Groups!!!

Hello everybody and welcome back after the holidays. Today I will be talking about book groups. I am in a group with my friends Joel, Harrison, Alex, Jack and I. Our group is reading boy overboard by morris gleitzman, the main character is Jamal. So far book groups have been awesome, it really helps having a cool book to be reading. So far my favourite character is.............. YUSUF!!!! I like him because he is a really good football goalkeeper and only has one leg, and he is actually really good. It is sad that Jamal and his family has to leave because the government found out about the familys secret school. That is were i am up to at the moment so i will see you guys next post, GOODBYE!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Medieval Week

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog. Last week it was medieval week, we did lots of different things such as writing a two page report on everything we have learnt through this term, the powerpoint that we did with three other people and the big MINE CRAFT BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It actually was kind of fun doing the two pages of writing, I probably had more fun doing the writing and the powerpoint than the minecraft battle, the reason for this was because of all of the lag. It was so annoying. For the powerpoint I was in a group with Eve, Rosie and Owen. We did it on medieval sports. I was very happy that we did ours again because the first time half the class was at cross country. Hope you enjoyed the post anyway GOODBYE!!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kapa haka

Hello everybody, today I will be talking about Kapa Haka.
I found some of it really easy and some really hard. I found it easy to do all the actions that we all need to do. i found it a lot harder to do all the right actions because there are so many to do a short period of time and also to get everything in time with each other.

I think we should try to get everything in time and also work on the singing because not many people do sing. I also would think that we should do more of sticking out our tongues and flashing our eyes. anyway see you next week, GOODBYE!!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2016


Hello, I will be talking about........


It is so awesome that an actual fun game is school work. I personally think that our village definitely could be better but is still pretty good for a bunch of 12 year-olds (and some 11 year-olds) Fraser and I are doing the town center, we have already finished so I am helping Liam  do the prison. I dont really think our village looks very authentic but I wont be the one to complain. My favourite thing in our village right now is the prison, it looks so cool! I will se you guys next post tah-tah for now.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hello guys and welcome back to my blog, for Electives I am doing kids coding. Our teacher Ronnie (sorry if i spelt your name wrong) is very nice. She doesn't get angry if you do something wrong, she just shows you again and hopes you are smart enough to do it properly. Usually at the start of electives everyone get an iPad signs in and starts playing the first game they see (if it actually works).
my favourite thing about electives is that you be so creative in what you want to do, for characters you can use any emoji! On the table were I sit there is usually Me, Liam, Santi, Max, Sam and Josh.
Santi and I once had to share an iPad, we went totally mental, but at least we finished cross road. now we are making geometry dash (or at least trying to). I will see you guys next post, GOODBYE!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Building a Castle

Hello, today I will talking about how we had to build a castle in a group. In my group their was Alex and Owen, Alex was the team leader because we would've just goofed off without him. It was really hard to work as a team. We built a very plain castle that was very plain and boring and painted very boringly but at least it is a castle, we just need to assemble our castle and then we are done. The most challenging thing for me was not to just go and do something else because I got so sick of making walls, but all in all I found it all very fun and I reckon if we did it again we would probably do a lot better in our group. See you guys next time I post something, GOODBYE!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cross Country

Hey everybody, I have completed the cross country (unlike last year). I really enjoyed finishing it this time, but sadly for Hugo he grased his knee and Did Not Finish. Lucky for him though Harrison came back and helped him get back up. Jack won like every other year i think he will probably win next yer unless some athlete moves to our school. This time I came 6th place. I cant really believe that I ran the whole 2 kilometres,  the past few times I did walk some bits so I am very happy. I thought that Billy the yr 6 persevered because he sprinted the last 100 metres even though he was in last, and I think Harrison showed empathy because he helped Hugo back up from when he fell. Anyway I want to go out to dodgeball so I want to finish my other tasks, Goodbye!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hunt For The WilderPeople

Hi guys, today I will be telling you about my new favourite movie, "Hunt for the WilderPeople".
It is about a kid that was ditched by his parents and wanted to be a gangsta. He was known for doing graffiti, setting fire to things and other things. When he got dropped off at his foster Aunties house he didn't really like it. Every night he would try to run away. After he goes on a adventure into the forest he meets up with Uncle Hec, they go through the forest being chased by the police. Anyway I probably shouldn't give away to many spoilers. If you have not seen Hunt for the WilderPeople, you should really consider about going while it is in the cinema. Anyway see you guys later and goodbye.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

3 things I have learned this term.

Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Today we are going to be talking about 3 things we have learnt this term. I have learnt a lot of new things this term so this shouldn't be to hard. The first thing I have learnt this term is to actually manage my time and get my work work done on time. At the start of the year I was actually scared of not going out to dodge-ball, but I have gone out every Friday. The other thing is weird for me because i am very much used to it, is, letting other people say things in the maths group and other groups. And the final thing that I have learnt that is that Mr. McGurk is still my favorite teacher. Even in room 8 he was my favorite teacher. I will see you guys next time I post something. GOODBYE!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My Easter Weekend

hello, how are you, Today I will be talking about my Easter Holiday. My family and I went up to our Bach at Waikawa beach. The first day we got there My dad let me drive around in the VW Daytona (Beach buggy) down the beach. On Saturday My Dad had to pick up some things from Palmerston north, we had the best lunch up there. When we came down we visited Our friends in Waiterere. When we left we had another passenger, My best friend Liam. Later that night Liam and I found the real use for a handbrake, making tight drifts. On Sunday morning we drove back and fourth from the beach on my quad and motorbike. we even went down to the Otaki river! I was sad when Liam had to leave later that night because we had so much fun together. This was one of my favourite Easter weekends in quite a while. Anyway see you next time I post something. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

EOTC week

Hello, EOTC week was as much fun as I thought it would be. The most challenging thing for me was defiantly was the crate stack. How you do crate stack is you are in a harness and you want to stack the crates as high as you can. The way you fail is when all your crates fall to the ground, this is were the B-layer comes in. The B-layer stops the person in the harness falling hard onto concrete by slowly lowering he/she to the ground.
For me swimming was the easiest.
My proudest moment was probably tieing with Harrison and Joels Turbo Touch team. I don't play rugby so I think our team (Team Twa) did really well against rugby players.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Dodgeball is so Fun!!!


Hello, it is time to talk about probably the best thing in being a year 7 is EOTC week or education outside the classroom. It is going to be so fun doing the things, I am especially looking forward going to camp kaitoke. I really hope that I don't miss out on abseiling, I wish didn't have to miss out on any but if there was one to miss out on, it would be the stacking tower thing. Going to the ASB sports arena will also be very fun. I hope we pretty much do the same as the big day out last year. Anyway I should start doing my other tasks so, Goodbye.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Im back again with a report on DUOLINGO! It has been fun doing Spanish on Duolingo because it is really easy way to learn Spanish. I am really enjoying learning this language because Spanish is really cool and I never knew it, but learning it with Duolingo to help you is fun and easy because even if you don't know what the person is saying you just hover over the word and it tells you. I try not to do this every time then your not really learning. In my opinion it is better learning Spanish than some other languages because it is not a lot different, the only weird thing about Spanish is there are so many different words for 'The'. Anyway I shall see you people next week probably so, Adios.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


I'm back and I am going to talk about tech. ELECTRONICS is so fun mostly because our teacher, Stu. It was so fun gluing the wood and nailing it. When we got to cut out our circuit boards we used something similar to a jigsaw except it was on a stand. We all got to paint our box a colour of our choice, I chose Orange. I cant wait to do cooking because you get to take some food home with you and share what you made with your family. Anyway, talk to you people next week, Goodbye

Monday, February 15, 2016

The beginning of 2016

Hi, I'm Cole, today I am talking about the beginning of the year. So far the beginning of the year has gone really well, I've meet some new people, Alex and Owen. Mr McGurk has been really good, tasks have been really fun, better than homework at least .
Its really fun playing Dodge ball with our class, so far we haven't lost, mostly because of J.L.
The art and maths have been really fun, lately in the basics facts test I got a new best. Anyway goodbye.